Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Democalypse 2012 - The Second Debate* - NOW INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT!!

The Presidential Debate was held in New York at the Hofstra University between President Obama & Governor Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012. The debate was moderated by Candy Crowley. The second debate showed us how much the two of them clash on the issues at hand. It was a town-hall style setting where supposed "undecided voters" had prepared questions to ask. Many articles, commentators, newscasters, and politicians have had much agreement that Obama was better prepared for this debate than the first. He was indeed speaking more clearly and making his points directly this time around. (AN OVERVIEW OF THE DEBATE HIGHLIGHTS FROM A FEW DIFFERENT PEOPLE)
The first question asked was directed to Obama. He was asked, "What is your response to Romney's tax plan?" The President did not hesitate to list the faults he finds in the plan. He explained how Romney considers it a 5-point plan when it is really a one-point plan. He claims that the numbers don't add up. Romney was then asked by the moderator, "what if the math doesn't add up?" Romney's answer suggested that his numbers DO add up, since he has done all this budget balancing in his former jobs; "his entire life". The moderator cut him off because his answer was extremely long and drawn out, and he still did not answer HOW the numbers really do add up. (A US NEWS & WORLD REPORT ARTICLE SHOWING HOW THE PLAN DOESN'T ADD UP) The next question asked of the President, "How will you address the gender pay gap?" Obama started his response with how his Grandmother hit the "glass ceiling" when she worked her way up through a bank. He mentioned how signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act was his first step toward fighting against this issue. He also spoke on making sure that young people, especially females, are able to afford an education so they can compete in the workplace. He decreed that discrimination has not & will not be tolerated. Romney on the other hand claims that while he was Governor, the cabinet position holders were all men; But he took the initiative to go out and ask certain groups to help him select female cabinet members. and they brought him "binders full of women". (RACHEL MADDOW BLOG POST) He claims that his cabinet had the most women over all 50 states. He feels that women will be supported by helping them get a better education to succeed in the workplace. Obama came back with a response that gave the facts on the employers holding the power to make the decision on whether or not women receive contraceptives. He also pointed out that Romney wants to cut funding for Planned Parenthood and other programs like it. He stated that he wants to make sure that his daughters get the same opportunities that people's sons have received.
The next question was for Governor Romney, asking "What is the difference between you and President George W. Bush?" Instead of answering the question directly to the voter, Romney went backward to try to defend himself against Obama's statements pointing out Romney's oppositions that do not support women. THEN, he addressed the question. He claims that he is going to do the opposite of what GW Bush did, because they are "two different people". Then he goes on to attack "ObamaCare" in the process. The President addressed the voter by explaining that at the time he came into the presidency, the US was losing 800,00 jobs/month. But he pointed out that now, the 5.2 million new jobs were created will continue to grown under his new plan. He pointed out that Governor Romney is claiming to "get tough on China" but won't do that, since his plan includes other tactics. Obama says that Romney is different than Bush because George Bush never suggested or supported the type of social policies that Romney has plans for.
A Black male who voted for Obama in 2008, wanted to know "What have you done in the last four years to earn my vote?" Obama quickly answered that question, running down the list of accomplishments since he has been in office....ending the war in Iraq, auto industry bail-out, creating jobs etc. He connected with that voter by making it clear that he realizes the voter is struggling. He told him that he has kept his promises, and that he will continue to work hard make conditions better. Mitt Romney responded by discounting Obama's policies and accomplishments, stating that everything that he promised to do the first four years, he hasn't done. Romney pointed out that the unemployment rate "seems" lower because of the people who have "dropped out of the workforce". Romney says this election is about "who can get the middle class in this country a bright and prosperous future".
A female Hispanic voter asked "What do you plan to do about immigrants who don't have a green card?" Romney pointed out that his parents were both born to American Citizens, but born outside of the United States. He says that immigrants should be given a green card when they get an education that are "skills that we need", and that he will not grant amnesty to immigrants that come here illegally. He will give sanctions to the employers who hire illegal immigrants. He went on to discredit Obama for not putting into place a policy against illegal immigrants as he promised, that he did not even try. The President stepped up quickly to respond that he has done everything he can to fix the system..and to get others in legislation to assist him with the task...streamlining the system, to make the immigration process easier; increased border patrol; and going after criminals that are in the country illegally and hurting the communities. He also pointed out that Governor Romney stated that he will encourage self-deportation and as president, he would veto any bill that was in favor of helping immigrants. He said that it was "not true" that he did not try. He said it was difficult to get support from the Republicans. The moderator then asked Romney to "speak to the issue of self-deportation?" Instead, Romney went backward to defend his stance against Obama's statements...once again....not answering the question directly that was asked. He went into other areas of discussion such as finances, where he tried to ask the President if he looked at his pension. Obama tried to avoid answering that, as he was pleading with Romney AND the Moderator to be mindful of the time. Romney asked him several times the same question in a row, talking over both the President AND the moderator. So Obama casually answered with a smile, "I don't look at my pension; it's not as big as yours, so...I don't check it that often." That was one of the night's most memorable statements. Laughter filled the room. To save face, and finish his point, Romney continued on talking about Obama's investments, and the moderator sat him down.
Another definitely memorable moment that the media has been pointing out and calling "Libya exchange", was also a defining moment in the debate. Many commentators, writers and politicians are saying that Romney got himself caught up, when in actuality, he was trying to get the President caught up. (AN ARTICLE THAT SHOWS HOW ROMNEY GOT GOT ) Many Republicans though, are not buying into the fact that the Libya exchange didn't go so well in Romney's favor. They maintain the idea that Obama did not state that the event was a terrorist attack until 14 days later. The actual question from the voter was "Who made the decisions about the level of security at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya?" Obama took the full responsibility of the directions that were given at the time. He went on to say that he means what he says when it comes to national security. He ran down all of the accomplishments and the issues at hand when it comes to national security. The Governor responded that it was definitely Obama's responsibility of what happened. He claims that many days passed before the president confirmed it was a terrorist attack and not a demonstration. He criticized the President for trips he made after the tragedy, saying that he should have handled it differently, since it was indeed an attack by terrorists and not a demonstration.
The moderator commented that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she took full responsibility for what happened and asked "Is Secretary of State Clinton responsible for what happened at the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya?" The President answered with passion in his voice that the Sec of State works for him, and he is the President, so he's always responsible. He turned and looked at Mitt Romney directly as he described how he stood in the Rose Garden the day after the attack & he promised America & the world that we were going to find out what happened. You could see and hear how he was offended by the fact that Romney would suggest such a thing as anybody on "his team" did not handle the situation correctly. "That's not what I do as President; that's not what I do as commander in chief." When Romney tried to challenge the point again, that's when his plan backfired, Obama said "get the transcript!!!" and the moderator corrected Romney on the issue and moved the debate on. (THE TRANSCRIPT)
The next question was for the President. "What has your administration done to limit the availability of assault weapons?" Obama said that the gun laws that are in place need to be enforced, the background checks should be more thorough. He wants to talk about reducing the violence in general; because that will reduce the number of deaths & violence. He assured the voter that he shares her concern about keeping assault weapons out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill. Romney stated that he was not in favor of new pieces of legislation and went on to speak about having 2 parents in the home, and encouraging marriage before babies will reduce poverty and violence. He also spoke on a so-called government program that gave guns to drug lords called Fast and Furious. He went on and on about this program, that was supposedly put into place under the Obama administration. The moderator cut him off, so that he would stay on track with the question, she asked him "Why do you no longer support the ban on assault weapons?" Romney gave his reasoning as there was no good leadership in Washington. So Obama redirected with his response, by bringing back up the parenting in the home and good education for the youth of today and tomorrow is what is going to weigh heavily on this election. He got a little off track as well, and Candy Crowley had to put an end to his rant.
A female voter asked Governor Romney "What are your plans to bring jobs back to the US and keep them here?" He spoke on the countries we trade with need to play by the rules. He criticized China for their currency manipulation. He spoke on small businesses and how he wants to help them. He also brought up how "ObamaCare" has been a terror for small businesses. Obama's response was that jobs must be created. He says he and Romney both agree that the corporate tax rate needs to be lowered. He stated that Romney's plan allows the jobs to b overseas. Obama wants to double the expors, as that will create jobs also. The moderator asked the Governor "How do you convince American companies to bring manufacturing to the US?" He started rattling off a lot of facts, but did not answer the question. The moderator left him there, and switched to the President, who spoke on the fact that some jobs that will not come back to the US. He wants to make sure Americans get the high paying jobs, by not going forth with allowing tax cuts for wealthy people, because that will not help create jobs. Romney cut in on the end of the president's statement saying "government does not create jobs!"
A male voter asked Romney the last question, "What is the biggest misconception the American people have about you?" Mitt Romney began to paint himself as a man who cares about America. As a matter of fact he stated that he "cares about 100% of Americans". But Barack Obama used this question as an opportunity to bring up the fact that Romney's 47% statements were unacceptable. Obama said that the 47% ARE important, and if THEY succeed, then America succeeds. (COMMENTS ON THE 47% BY DAVID AXELROD) After the debate, both the President and Governor Romney were greeted by their wives, smiled, shook hands and greeted the people. Obama stayed out there longer than Romney did.

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