Thursday, September 13, 2012

These roots run deep.....

Once again, this is another assignment for my Intro To Interactive Media class at Kennedy King College. This time, I traveled around the south east side of Chicago, and took pics of all of the places that played a role in me becoming the man that I am today. My grid stretched from Jeffrey ave to the east, Halsted ave to the West, 55th street to the north, and 95th to the south. I rarely ventured out any further than those confines.
I noticed something strange while attempting to complete this task....Not too many black people like it when you drive up in a Black Ford Escape, jump out, and start taking pictures. I got a gang of angry faces, inaudible mumbling, and one lady even came out and flat out asked me "Why you takin pictures of my damn house?!?" I had to explain to her that my Great Aunt & my Grandmother lived there for my entire childhood, and that I was conducting a documentary about where I lived. Thank GAWD one of the neighbors from down the street heard our convo, remembered me, and came to my defense. My moves after that incident were a lot more covert. Enjoy the photo's, and enjoy the music. Kanye West - Homecoming (The ORIGINAL version) Common ft Kanye West - South Side (BORN & RAISED!!)

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