Friday, September 7, 2012

A woman's point of view about Stevie J.

I aint ashamed to say that i'm a fan of VH1's contribution to reality TV. One of my favorites is Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, which is the spinoff of Love & Hip Hop. I'm pretty sure that every damn city that they take the franchise to, that I will be watching. But as far as Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is concerned, one of its breakout stars has to be Stevie J. Stevie J earned his claim to fame from his string of hits from his time period with Bad Boy Records in the 1990's. A few years ago, I was watching an episode of Behind The Music on the female rapper EVE. And I remember her talking about an abusive relationship with a New York producer, where she was constantly cheated on. Guess who THAT was?!? Take a wild guess...Stevie J DUMMY!! Fast forward to 2012, his claim to current fame is being a rat faced manipulator for VH1. As much as I despise watching this dude, I make it a priority that I tune in and see what the hell he's gonna do each week. I find this idiot very amusing, but at the same time, I feel like one of these women are gonna physically beat the snot out of him when the cameras aint running. But that's just my point of view. My wife Janeen hates Stevie J, and more than likely hates the show as well, but she's drawn into the madness because I watch it all of the time. I decided to ask her what she thinks about Stevie. Here's her thoughts on this rat faced, rat bastard.
Watching Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is a trip because with every episode, I realize how pitiful Stevie J is. He thinks that he can control two women. He thinks that the world revolves around him & he's in control. But in my opinion, he's an idiot! The women in his life are controlling him, actually. I feel that Mimi is too good for him. She still loves him, but she would be better off without him & I'm glad that she decided to move on. Joceline wants to be with Stevie but she wants to control every move he makes. She knows she can't, so she portrays this harsh exterior like she doesn't care what he does; as long as she's getting money. Stevie J has dumb ideas, he really doesn't know what it means to be a man, and he definitely doesn't care about women's feelings. It seems to me that all he cares about is himself. And to me, that's pitiful.

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