Thursday, September 27, 2012

Warning! The new IPhone 5 may get you killed!! (Or possibly assaulted on a CTA bus....)

Sept 12, 2012. It was a Wednesday and I was on the bus. The 29 State bus heading home from school. Well actually I decided to go to the bank on 20th & State street. I had a lil extra money in my pocket, and I decided to do the responsible thing and deposit it into my joint account with my wife. I've lived in Chicago my entire life, which makes me suspicious at all times, of everyone that I don't know. And if I don't know you, that makes you a potential threat to me and my safety. Even more so if I'm on the damn bus!!
So I'm sittin on the bus with my body positioned in a spot where I can see everyone that's getting on or getting off. I make sure to get a look at eveyone that's on the bus with me, so I can see if they fit my mental description of someone that may possibly try to do something stupid. ANYTHING STUPID!!! Stupid like what? Stupid like trying to snatch my damn Beats By Dr Dre headphones that I've paid a lot of money for! I've looked over the bus, no potential suspects. The bus pulls up at about 43rd and State; not a bad area because my wife gets her dreadlocks done at Locology. I notice a pack of 10 kids getting on the bus, and they all walk past me and proceed to the back of the bus. Its 2 little girls, roughly 7 to 8 years of age, 5 more males between the ages of 10 and 13, and 3 more that were roughly between 14 and 17. I perform a quick mental scan of each and my mental alarm immediately goes off. Not so much at the younger ones, but the 14 to 17 year olds most definitely have my Spider Senses tingling. Why? Because they fit the current Chief Keef visual. Skinny, sagging skinny jeans, mop top locks, and oh yeah; Black!! So at this point, I am silently watching every move that they're making.
2 blocks later, a young Hispanic girl gets on the bus. I notice her because I rarely see Hispanic girls riding on the 29. I'm not judging her, but I'm wondering where she's going. She sits and starts playing with her phone; and of course its an IPhone. I'm thinking to myself that she shoulf be more aware of her surrounding and put the phone away. Carlito Brigante once said it best that the "Streets are always watching". At this point, one of the 10 to 13 year old males gets up from the rear and sits next to me in an empty seat next to me, which just so happens to be directly across from the Hispanic girl. He looks her over, glances at me, and at that point he sees that I'm looking directly at him. He gets up, and returns to the back of the bus. He mentions something to the 2 older mop topped males. I turn my music off, take off my headphones and place them inside of my bag because I'm on point and braced for whatever. The bus gets to 28th and State. The bell has been rang, and all 10 of these kids make their way to the exit. But before they do, one of the mop tops decides that he wants to snatch the IPhone from the hands of the Mexican girl. The pack of kids quickly jump off the bus. I'm surprised! Not at the fact that they snatched the IPhone, but how quick all 10 of em jumped out the back door. Its as if all 10 of the kids were in on the job! Without a thought, the Hispanic girl jumps off of the bus and grabs one of the mop tops hands. Mop top number 1 turns around and snatches his hand back. He screams something inaudible to the girl. She screams back. At this point Mop top 2, grabs the Hispanic gir from behind in a choke hold, while Mop top number one punches her in the face. At this point I'm still not surprised. But what did surprise me was watching the Hispanic girl fall to the ground, and seeing the remaining 8 (including the two 8 year old girls) stomp and kick the Hispanic girl, while the 2 mop tops run across the street thru traffic, almost gettin hit by cars, and disappear into the enclave of remaining Chicago Housing Projects. All are shocked on the bus, but no one moved.... Of course I'm thinking I should've done something, but I didn't. What if they had a gun. So now I'm shot, defending a girl that should've known better. My bus arrives at 20th. I get off, go into my Chase branch, get back on the 29 State heading back in the direction that I just came from. We get to the area where the robbery had taken place, and I was glad to see that the Police were on the scene. Once again I'm thinking that I could at least get off of the bus and tell the Police something......NOPE!! I opted out. What am I gonna tell em that she hasn’t?
I've wanted an IPhone ever since the 1st one was released back in 07. I'm a huge fan of Apple, and I most definitely tow the company line. I've owned 4 Apple computers and 2 IPods. If it wasn't for the fact that I refuse to get under a 2 year contract with a carrier, I may have actually had an IPhone by now. But this is where my conflict kicks in. If you have the money, you should be able to buy whatever you want to have. But at the same time, Chicago isn't designed to let you "keep" what you "want", just because you've "earned" it, or because you can "afford" it. Be it if you can or can't afford it, or even live in a city where 80 something year old white women are assaulted on train platforms for their IPhones. With me knowing how thirsty these Chicago streets are, it makes me hesitant to make such a purchase. I'm already out here slightly paranoid with my Beats headphones on. People assume that they know how much they cost, but they're always wrong. Let's also add to the fact that I'm out here riding on these Chicago buses and trains which are absolutely not the safest mode of transportation. Gas is expensive in my Ford Escape, and I'm a full time College student with a UPass. I try to ride the bus anywhere and evrywhere that I can go. But at the same time, I am very aware that the CTA will get you where you need to go, but that doesn't mean that you'll be getting there safely. The moral to the story is this; if you own an IPhone.....damn that.....if you own ANY PHONE, Cricket, Boost, Virgin Mobile, Trac Phone, land line, whatever kinda phone, please be sure to always be aware of your surroundings. Just because you have it, doesn't mean that they're going to let you keep it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Steve Sabol, visionary & president of NFL Films, dies

The football world says goodbye to a legend of the sport on Tuesday September 18, 2012. Steve Sabol, president of NFL Films, has died at the age of 69 after an 18-month battle with brain cancer. Sabol took over the mantle as president of NFL Films in 1985 from his father Ed, who founded the company. Steve learned in March of 2011 that he had a brain tumor that could not be removed. He introduced his father during Ed's emotional enshrinement into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in August 2011. Steve Sabol won over 40 Emmy awards and oversaw 107 Emmys for NFL Films. He was the Sporting News' 2002 "Sports Executive of the Year. He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003. The company broke ground as the first to wire players and coaches for sound. It revolutionized how music was used with sports films. It was the first to use ground-level slow motion and montage editing in sports. So much of what we see in sports television came directly from the Sabols. He straddled the line between artist and executive.Generations of NFL fans learned to love the game of football through the lens of Ed and Steve Sabol. Steve started out as a cameraman for the company before eventually running it.
"My dad has a great expression," Sabol said when his father's induction was announced. "Tell me a fact, and I'll learn. Tell me a truth, and I'll believe. But tell me a story, and it will live in my heart forever. And now my Dad's story will be in Canton and hopefully that will live forever too." I didn't know Steve personally, but I feel as if I do. I grew up watching "NFL Films Presents" film montages whenever I could find them. And even the lamest of the lame has at least heard the booming voice of John Facenda as he read, "From the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field". They may not have known about John Facenda, or the definition of "Tundra", (I most definitely had NO idea what my mans was talkin about!!) but one thing that I do know is that NFL Films made me a dedicated fan of the sport that I now love.
As I was coming of age in the 80's, HBO aired a weekly sports series called "Inside The NFL". The core hosts of the show were Nick Buoniconti and Len Dawson. I can recall that every week I would yell at the TV screen for them to get done yammering about stats that I was already aware of, and get to running the highlights.....courtesy of Ed & Steve Sabol of NFL Films. Narrator John Facenda's voice on the highlight reels was before me in the 60's, but the narrator that I grew to rely on in the 80's was Harry Kalas. It was the PERFECT combination of shot selection, slow motion, and sound effects......courtesy of Ed & Steve Sabol of NFL Films. This is the way that I REALLY got to see and HEAR what was happening on the sidelines of the Sunday games. The Sunday night footage of what happened in all of the games, were short 10 second clips that wouldn't tell me too much of anything. "George Michaels Sports Machine" was the cream of the crop for network TV sports highlights, but nothing compared with actually HEARING Mike Ditka getting bleeped on the Soldier Field sidelines during a 4 minute segment on Inside The NFL.....courtesy of Ed & Steve Sabol of NFL Films.
The story of the NFL can't be told without Steve Sabol. May he rest in peace.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

These roots run deep.....

Once again, this is another assignment for my Intro To Interactive Media class at Kennedy King College. This time, I traveled around the south east side of Chicago, and took pics of all of the places that played a role in me becoming the man that I am today. My grid stretched from Jeffrey ave to the east, Halsted ave to the West, 55th street to the north, and 95th to the south. I rarely ventured out any further than those confines.
I noticed something strange while attempting to complete this task....Not too many black people like it when you drive up in a Black Ford Escape, jump out, and start taking pictures. I got a gang of angry faces, inaudible mumbling, and one lady even came out and flat out asked me "Why you takin pictures of my damn house?!?" I had to explain to her that my Great Aunt & my Grandmother lived there for my entire childhood, and that I was conducting a documentary about where I lived. Thank GAWD one of the neighbors from down the street heard our convo, remembered me, and came to my defense. My moves after that incident were a lot more covert. Enjoy the photo's, and enjoy the music. Kanye West - Homecoming (The ORIGINAL version) Common ft Kanye West - South Side (BORN & RAISED!!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Total Chaos & Complete Mass Media Confusion

I'm just sittin here thinkin about all of the recent killings in Chicago that have been so called "gang related". But seeing that the killings are associated with the current crop of Chicago rappers, the attention from the media has been a tad bit heavier than the norm. Dr. Dre once said in the movie Rhyme & Reason that there was "no such thing as bad publicity". Well this is some publicity that we could go without having. Honestly, this shit that's going on in Chicago is embarrassing!! First the rappers are kicking up YouTube beef, then they're killing each other and posting tweets about it!! How stupid is that?!? Now the teachers are on strike, which is pretty much giving the youth another outlet to be outside waiting for something stupid to happen!! My mind runs through a lot of music from moment to moment. "My baby ain't never shot nobody, but he still got smoked at BeBe's party!" Who said that?? That was Eazy E!! What song was that?? That was "We're all in the same gang" from the West Coast All Stars. But my thought is thinking of a time when rappers used to come together and do songs that would speak on the ignorance going on in the black community, the Hip Hop community and BOTH. I'm wondering, why has it been since 1989 or 1990 since we had a song where everyone came together to tell the youth to get there shit together?! Take a look what these cats are doin in Chicago! Don't ya think that this would be a good time to make another one of those kinda songs?? There's enough established Chicago rappers to create our own 2013 "Self Destruction", cause these young dudes are most definitely headed for self destruction.
Here's your lineup.....Kanye West, Common, Lupe Fiasco, Twista, L.E.P. Bogus Boys, Mikkey Halsted, Cayex Illah, Bennie Franks, Shawnna, throw R. Kelly on the hook, and have No ID or Joe Blacula produce the song. (Shameless plug) That's all the star power that I feel that we need to get a strong point across. "Well how come JB ain't put such and such on there?" Because it's my list and such and such ain't drawing enough star power!! Plus I ain't ever really been big on the hot new flavor of the moment. You have to put in dues for me to acknowledge whatever the hell you're doing. So what you have a hot new single! Hot singles cool off! Holla at me when you've been around for damn near a decade, THEN you'll get my attention. Other than that...enjoy your 15 minutes because the clock is ticking. Other than that, let's get to crackin on it. How many more rappers, or civilians even, are gonna have to get killed before someone decides to move on this idea....I'm ready when y'all are. Lemme know.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A woman's point of view about Stevie J.

I aint ashamed to say that i'm a fan of VH1's contribution to reality TV. One of my favorites is Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, which is the spinoff of Love & Hip Hop. I'm pretty sure that every damn city that they take the franchise to, that I will be watching. But as far as Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is concerned, one of its breakout stars has to be Stevie J. Stevie J earned his claim to fame from his string of hits from his time period with Bad Boy Records in the 1990's. A few years ago, I was watching an episode of Behind The Music on the female rapper EVE. And I remember her talking about an abusive relationship with a New York producer, where she was constantly cheated on. Guess who THAT was?!? Take a wild guess...Stevie J DUMMY!! Fast forward to 2012, his claim to current fame is being a rat faced manipulator for VH1. As much as I despise watching this dude, I make it a priority that I tune in and see what the hell he's gonna do each week. I find this idiot very amusing, but at the same time, I feel like one of these women are gonna physically beat the snot out of him when the cameras aint running. But that's just my point of view. My wife Janeen hates Stevie J, and more than likely hates the show as well, but she's drawn into the madness because I watch it all of the time. I decided to ask her what she thinks about Stevie. Here's her thoughts on this rat faced, rat bastard.
Watching Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is a trip because with every episode, I realize how pitiful Stevie J is. He thinks that he can control two women. He thinks that the world revolves around him & he's in control. But in my opinion, he's an idiot! The women in his life are controlling him, actually. I feel that Mimi is too good for him. She still loves him, but she would be better off without him & I'm glad that she decided to move on. Joceline wants to be with Stevie but she wants to control every move he makes. She knows she can't, so she portrays this harsh exterior like she doesn't care what he does; as long as she's getting money. Stevie J has dumb ideas, he really doesn't know what it means to be a man, and he definitely doesn't care about women's feelings. It seems to me that all he cares about is himself. And to me, that's pitiful.

16 year old Chicago rapper gets killed over YouTube beef

Joseph 'Lil JoJo' Coleman was killed in cold-blood over what many believe involved a beef with Chief Keef's #3Hunna crew. The 16-year old rapper released a video aimed in the direction of his fellow Windy City rappers. On Tuesday September 4, 2012 at about 9 p.m., Coleman was found dead following a drive by shooting. Witnesses say a gunman fired from a tan or gray vehicle striking the 16 year old. He was unresponsive when authorities showed up at the scene, he was later taken to University of Chicago Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. Lil JoJo has released numerous videos which have taken aim at the artists from Chicago. A video which was posted on Youtube shows JoJo and company rolling up on Def Jam artist, Lil Reese an associate of Chief Keef. The words "Imma Kill You" can be heard in the viral visual. The Chicago/Mid-West area is definitely made it's mark in 2012 but it sure hasn't helped the violence and gang state Chicago is in. Here's the thoughts of one of my closest friends from his Facebook account...
"I was thinkin on the way home lookin @ these lil dudes, thinkin bout all this lil jo jo, cheif keif non-sense & I'm still thinkin bout it while I watch DNC waitin 4 President Obama to speak...Who do these lil guyz have to look up to? Hell I had my ol man, uncles, grand-fathers, & coaches.... but my generation had guys like Farrakhan, Cosby, Lenny Wilkens, etc....Cats wanted real careers, we didnt wanna be no dayum lil wayne, and these otha clowns makin this bad music...And I'm not givin me nor my generation a pass like we were angel, we did our dirt too, are hands are not clean by no means....but these dudes are lost, this is beyond non-sense." #youngfoolsgangsaredead
I have to also add that I am severely disgusted with the actions from the current youth of the culture of Hip Hop!! I'm not about to search for the correct words for the remainder of this article because i'm ashamed of what the hell these cats are out here doing!! I mean, I know these dudes aint old enough to remember Pac & Big gettin killed but I DO, and most of us saw it coming!! All ima say is this, y'all are making the rap community of Chicago look REALLY STUPID, and you're bringing a lot of unwanted publicity to the culture. I take this personally because Chicago has seen a comeback in 2012, that we hadn't seen since the mid 90's. Things were starting to look a lil bit prosperous....but as usual.....niggaz always gotta find a way to screw it up!! And now look!! Now Keef is at it with Chicago Rapper Lupe Fiasco, just because he's calling on Keef to ease back on the ignorant shyt!! No one stays at the top of the mountain forever, and for some strange reason, most current artists feel like the small successes that they're currently reaching is gonna last forever. Guess what....It WONT!! So my point is this...get what you can, while you can, enjoy the moment, and chill the hell out!! God bless the dead, and I hope that Lil Jo Jo will be the last killing. But I live in a city of haters, in a state of crabs in a barrel so i'm sure that it won't be the last...Ima kick back and stop because I have enough current problems wit the youth born after 1995....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Independent view of the RNC

For my Intro to Interactive Media class, we had to create a photo montage using footage from the 2012 RNC. I'm giving you a heads up on this before folk start buggin out and whatnot, thinking that I have become a Republican. Let me make this clear; I am a STRONG INDEPENDENT!! I find things that I agree & disagree with in both parties. In return, I vote for who I feel is looking out for MY best interest. I don't care which of the 4 parties that are in an election. If you're speaking about issues that concern me, then you JUST might receive my vote. Many of the opinions about the republican party that I hear is that they are racist. I disagree with that overall opinion. I feel that they only discriminate against the poor, and poor knows no true color. Be it the Elephant or the Jackass, both feel that they are doing the will of the people. The problem is that the poor are the majority, but the rich are in control. As long as the rich stay in control, then the poor or middle class will never have any true power.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to Rita Louise Whitaker (My Mother)

Today would have been my mothers 71st birthday, as well as my parents 41st wedding anniversary. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Rita L. Whitaker. I lost you too soon, I miss you dearly, and I love you very much!! I'm hoping that I'm becoming the man that you wanted me to be.

Monday, September 3, 2012

South Side Chicago native & actor Michael Clarke Duncan dies at age 54

The world has lost another great Chicago bred talent.....Oscar-nominated actor Michael Clarke Duncan, the star of Frank Darabont's prison tale "The Green Mile," has died. He was 54.

The South Side Chicago native, and White Sox loyalist, rose to fame playing a hulking death row inmate with a special psychic gift in the 1999 film, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. The role, which cast him opposite Tom Hanks, earned him Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations.

Duncan was born on the South Side and was raised, along with his sister, Judy, by his mother, Jean in the Kenwood neighborhood, his sister said. According to the Internet Movie Database, his mother refused to let him play high school football, so he turned to acting. After high school, he played basketball at Kankakee Community College and worked for Peoples Gas before moving to Hollywood.

Standing 6-foot-5 and weighing roughly 315 pounds, Duncan parlayed his considerable size into a career as a Hollywood security guard, working for the likes of Will Smith and the rapper Notorious B.I.G. His first movie role came in 1998's "Armageddon" with Bruce Willis; Willis later helped the fledgling actor land the "Green Mile" gig. He suffered a myocardial infarction July 13 and never fully recovered. The 54-year-old actor died Monday morning in a Los Angeles hospital after nearly two months of treatment.

The definition of a true Chicagoan
 I actually had the pleasure of working with Michael Clarke Duncan in 2005 on a song that I produced called "Step 2 This". I was in a recording session at Studio Chicago working on a project, and he happened to be in the building. He peeked in and asked if he cud sit in for a few moments. How was I going to tell this big dude the word NO!! I couldn't even concentrate with him being in the room because....maan...that's the dude from The Green Mile!! THEN, he had the nerve to ask if he could say a few words on the song that we were doing!! ONCE was I going to tell this big ole dude NO!! I mean c'mon.....He was the King Pin in Daredevil!! He went into the booth, went over a skit that we came up with, developed the character, and laid vocals. After he completed what we rehearsed, he asked if he could lay a verse......ONCE AGAIN, I WAS NOT GOING TO TELL HIM NO!! I mean C'mon....he's worked with John McClain AKA Bruce Willis!! He laid down a rap that went from one end of the instrumental to the other, and when he said he wanted more time....we gave him more time!! He wasn't a Jay-Z type, but I mean c'mon.....the man was in The Players Club and Friday with Ice Cube the great!! And when everything was said and done, he was POOF!! I kicked myself for not getting a pic or an autograph....But I will always have the song. Hit me up if you wanna hear it.

Hip Hop mogul & Manager found dead from apparent suicide

Chris Lighty, founder of Violator Entertainment and manager to music heavyweights such as Mariah Carey and LL Cool J, has died at the age of 44.

Police responded to a call at 670 West 232nd Street in the Bronx, New York, at approximately 11:30 a.m. on Thursday (August 30). Officers discovered Lighty with a gunshot wound to the head and he was pronounced dead at the scene. Authorities recovered a black semi-automatic pistol at the scene and tell MTV News that Lighty's wound appear to be self-inflicted.

Lighty got his start in the 1980s, building his reputation from the ground up. He emerged from the Native Tongues camp and went on to start Violator, which has helped to launch the careers of stars such as Missy Elliott, Q-Tip, Busta Rhymes, Nas, LL Cool J and more.

 Lighty began working at Rush Management, under the guidance of Lyor Cohen and Russell Simmons, in 1988, picking up the savvy marketing skills and brand-building expertise that would later culminate in Violator. Upon hearing the news of his death, Simmons issued a somber statement. "I am deeply saddened by the loss of a hip-hop hero. Chris Lighty has been a dear friend of mine since he was a kid. Was a brilliant partner in business and I was so proud of all that he had accomplished," Simmons wrote via Global Grind. "He is an amazing example of how a passionate kid from the street can go to the most even-keeled, smart, thoughtful manager in the business and a generous philanthropist. He was loved by everyone who knew him, including me. He will be missed greatly by all of us.

 I personally remember when I was in my teens, that there was a heavy group of rappers that were always yelling "VIOLATOR", mainly The Jungle Brothers and DJ Red Alert. I did my homework and found out that Chris Lighty was the reason why they were all doin that. Mainly it was a sense of pride from the artists that he represented, and their way of showing the do respect that he deserved. 

I am more shocked from this death than anything because we seem to be losing more and more of the cats that helped construct this building that we call Hip Hop. The seeds that he laid will truly bear fruit for years to come.