Saturday, November 1, 2014

The RETURN of the "Super Emcee" on FSD!!

On Thursday September 26th, 2014, COMPLEX 2010 decided to have an event titled SUPER EMCEE, where we invited numerous local rappers into a studio session, where they could all write together, and see what the end product would be. The event was great, all egos were checked at the door, and a great song...actually SEVERAL great songs were completed and recorded. You can record as many songs as you want, but TRULY great songs come to life during the mixing process. That's when speculation, turns to confirmation.

Fake Shore Drive is a very popular music blog for the city of Chicago's music scene. If I could compare it to anything, I would compare it to what the Source magazine once was for nation rap music. Andrew Barber created the Fake Shore Drive brand, and has gotten it to the heights of being mentioned on MTV and even CNN. So when I was notified that Andrew had heard of the Super Emcee event, and that he wanted to do a review on the finished, needles to say (but I'm gonna say it anyway!) that I was STOKED!!

The mix was jumped on, literally attacked with key precision, and made sure that it was sent off to Drew. 

In this sanitized media world of words that we live in at times, I tend to feel that no one will ever have anything to say about anything because they are rightfully scared of the consequences and repercussions of their actions. Well know this; Drew aint one of these kinda people ya dig? Some people chop down the product, and you can always tell that the person that's reviewing a project, either is a washed up artist who has his own agenda, or if they just feel like being a prick. Drew will cut ya down, but he will give you his specifics on how he feels that the project or song, can become that much better.

I am happy to say that Drew did not cut the song down.

But now the question is this; NOW WHAT? Drew has written about it and now people want it. They may even want to buy it! Maybe they would and WILL! 

I set up a SoundCloud account to see if the song generates heavy traffic. If so, I will get the artists to sign off on the song. Then I'm gonna set an ITunes account up, set a price and see what happens next. 

Hopefully the "CHING CHING" from a deposit...A  HEAVY DEPOSIT!! LOL

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