Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Dope Baby"

My 1st official day of Internship at COMPLEX 2010 started on Monday September 1st, 2014. The 1st day was a very good day and very action packed! I was part of the video production crew for a video that Cayex Illah (who is also a rapper/producer/engineer) and Bennie Franks did together called "Dope Baby". Several suites were rented out for use for performance scenes at the Hard Rock Hotel on North Michigan Avenue. 

Half way thru the process, I realized that I shouldve been taking pics of the massive event. Cayex doesnt really mind taking pics, but he MOST DEFINITELY makes sure that he approves ANY and ALL photos of himself that go up publicly. 

The pic below is the only pic that he approved! LOL!

I was also put in charge of coming up with an idea for the artwork for the project. I don't really know yet what my concept is going to be, but i've been noticing lately that the more basic image, is the more popular. So i'm going to stick with something very clean, very basic, professional fonts, something white....YEAH!, I think that i've just come up with something. Im gonna work on it! If it's approved, then you'll see it in my next entry. LOL!

(Left to Right) High Beam, Bennie Franks, Cayex Illah on the set of "Dope Baby".

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