Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Padded Booth Experiment

The 1st version of the promo piece.

Merk Murphy was having a conversation last week with a client speaking on the possibilities of what could happen if he got ALL of the talented EMCEES in the studio, gave them a hot track, and let them have a writing session for a few hours. What exactly would happen? Would there be an old school based song about the upliftment of our people, bars and metaphors showcasing skills, or the status quo about the goings on in Chi Raq Dilla Noise? My opinion was to put the invite out there and see what happens...and at that point, I invited myself into my next assignment. (Sighs)

The 1st thing that I had to do was to come up with a list of people that Merk would like to hear on a song. The 2nd thing that I had to do was to come up with another list of WHO from the 1ST list would agree to be a part of the event. 3RD, I had to get in touch with the people. 4TH, I had to create the artwork to attract the artists. And 5th, I had to get all of this done in less than 36 hours! WOW!

Heavy task, but I knocked it out!!

I created a list of 30 people. I got in contact with 26 of them, and 15 participated. I actually only thought that 10 would show up. 

The event was scheduled to start at 11pm. Thus the reason why I told everyone that it started at 9:30pm. Everyone that was scheduled to be in the building were all there by 10:30pm. This gave Merk 30 minutes to explain how we were going to organize everything, and by 11pm, the artists were writing.

I was fading out by 4am, but the writers were STILL writing!! But seeing that Cayex had gone home, and that the other engineer had to leave, the decision was made to stall out the actual song until Saturday the 27th.

Saturday night came. Cayex was on board to engineer. The artists were back and ready. No one was really aware of what the other had written, but Cayex organized everything and it all came out nicely! 

(At this point, Cayex hasn't mixed the song. Thus the reason why there isn't a link to it.)

Next up is this damn NBA 2K15 basketball tournament. Another one of my BRIGHT ideas that I have to put together..Stay tuned for next week.

The 2nd and FINAL version of the promo piece. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Finished Artwork for "Dope Baby"

My designated assignment for this past week has been to come up with the artwork for the Bennie Franks/Cayex Illah project. For the past 3 weeks, I have created 3 different versions that used photos that were taken at the photo shoot before the video. The 1st version, Cayex liked because he liked the pic of himself. Unfortunately Bennie didn't like the pic of himself. The artwork was denied. The 2nd version, Bennie liked the pic of himself. And of course, Cayex did NOT like the artwork of himself. The artwork was denied.

For the final version, I decided NOT to add a pic of either Cayex OR Bennie, and made the focal point on a stock photo that I had of a straight razor cutting into a Baking Soda form of substance. Why would I have stock photos of baking soda? Because at one point and time, I was a part of a music production team called the "Baking Soda Boys". Just in case you were wondering, It was a drug dealing reference. (At one point and time, having a slick drug dealing name was a very popular trend in rap music.) 

The only direction that I was given after the fact was to make the razor the same color gold that Bennie are wearing in the video. Not a problem! Done!! Keep your eyes open for the video. I am currently in the editing phase of it which has had me very busy. It will be up very soon...God willing...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fight Night @ COMPLEX 2010

Do you see all of the people in this room? Well one of my jobs for this past week was to get in touch with the "premier clients" of COMPLEX 2010, and to invite them to the Floyd Mayweather fight on Saturday September 13, 2014. Premier Clients refers to the fact that they have spent a nice amount of income towards the services of Complex 2010. During the week I had to call, text, email, return calls, return texts, and return emails concerning the event.

The overall question of concern was "how much" and will there be food. The price was $10 per person and YES there was chicken...supplied by Sharks on Cermak & State and PLENTY OF IT! 

Not that anyone would care, but my day started off by watching two wonderful people get married at the Mosque Maryam; Mr & Mrs Edward & Leslie Muhammad. After the reception, I changed from my suit, and made sure that I got down to Complex 2010 to make sure that everyone that was in attendance, WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN ATTENDANCE!! If I aint call you or speak to you, then you could not get in. It was more of a space issue.

The event was successful. Everyone ate and enjoyed the fight. I didn't get a chance to really see much of it because I was making sure that no chicken graveyards were on the floor, and that everyone had somewhere to sit. Indeed everyone had a chair of some sorts, but most chose to stand. 

I was happy because I got to take home a half of a tray of lemon pepper chicken wings to my family. 
We ate on it for 2 days...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Dope Baby"

My 1st official day of Internship at COMPLEX 2010 started on Monday September 1st, 2014. The 1st day was a very good day and very action packed! I was part of the video production crew for a video that Cayex Illah (who is also a rapper/producer/engineer) and Bennie Franks did together called "Dope Baby". Several suites were rented out for use for performance scenes at the Hard Rock Hotel on North Michigan Avenue. 

Half way thru the process, I realized that I shouldve been taking pics of the massive event. Cayex doesnt really mind taking pics, but he MOST DEFINITELY makes sure that he approves ANY and ALL photos of himself that go up publicly. 

The pic below is the only pic that he approved! LOL!

I was also put in charge of coming up with an idea for the artwork for the project. I don't really know yet what my concept is going to be, but i've been noticing lately that the more basic image, is the more popular. So i'm going to stick with something very clean, very basic, professional fonts, something white....YEAH!, I think that i've just come up with something. Im gonna work on it! If it's approved, then you'll see it in my next entry. LOL!

(Left to Right) High Beam, Bennie Franks, Cayex Illah on the set of "Dope Baby".