Thursday, November 1, 2012

Joe Blacula Presents - All about @DJSlugoMusic

I remember when I was a 14 year old teen back in the summer of 1987. I had just finished my freshman year of high school. I was very open to the world, and highly impressionable. I was of an age where I was establishing my independence, and I wanted to hang out and kick it. One of the things that was going on in the late 80's were the weekend parties at some of the older hotels. The Bismark Hotel seemed to have a party every Saturday. I was aware because the poster boards were on every corner stoplight all over my neighborhood of Chatham Village. Ron Hardy, Lil Louis, Ron Trent and DJ Slugo were always the main attractions for the parties. I was always really envious of all of my older friends that were able to go and get to see the DJ's in person.

     Fast forward to 1997 when I met DJ Slugo, while I was on staff at Creators Way Associated Labels.  I was silently in awe at the fact that this cat held down ALLLLLL of those parties, for all of those years, actually was a very down to earth dude. He was always very brutally honest with me then, and he still is with me to this day. If Slugo had a problem with you, then best believe that you were gonna know about it. He wouldn't waste your time with a lot of long drawn out convo. If he said yes, then he meant YES! If he said no, then the answer was HELL TO THE NO!! I give him credit for telling me to take a leap of faith and start my own network. I'm not gonna get into the content of the conversation, but my mans basically berated me for a few hours, and made me get my mind right. Most folk are offended by his direct approach. I personally prefer it. My mom used to say, "Don't tell me what i wanna know, tell me what I need to hear!!" DJ Slugo has always been that for me.

     I think that i'm more shocked at the fact that more people haven't had sit down interviews about DJ Slugo. I mean, the dude INVENTED JUKE MUSIC!! Most of the young'ns that are doing footwork, wouldn't have anything to dance to if it wasn't for my mans. So with all that being said, i'm very proud to be the first to get all of this info out of Slug.

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